About the Artist

Singer / Artist.

Former Michael Jackson protege, discovered by MIchael Jackson's manager at the time Dieter Wiesner, She has gone on to open for Westlife, perform on American Idol and the X-Factor. Its been a wild ride so far. 

MICHAEL JACKSON, WESTLIFE, AMERICAN IDOL and X-FACTOR. It's been a wild ride so far... Watch 'HOT STONES

MICHAEL JACKSON, WESTLIFE, AMERICAN IDOL and X-FACTOR. It's been a wild ride so far... Watch 'HOT STONES

MICHAEL JACKSON, WESTLIFE, AMERICAN IDOL and X-FACTOR. It's been a wild ride so far... Watch 'HOT STONES

MICHAEL JACKSON, WESTLIFE, AMERICAN IDOL and X-FACTOR. It's been a wild ride so far... Watch 'HOT STONES



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